BAPL and Niab will host annual R&D day in February
20th January 2025
British Apples and Pears Ltd (BAPL) and Niab will co-host the annual R&D day next month.

The event will take place in the Mumford Building at Niab East Malling, Kent, on 10th February 2025.
The organisers said that the R&D meeting will brief apple and pear growers on the latest research projects that their subscriptions are funding.
The research projects are all designed to address some of the industry’s most pressing production problems.
Speakers will include scientists from Niab, ADAS and the University of Greenwich along with growers and agronomists who will be sharing some of their practical experiences in adopting new techniques in their own businesses.
Topics will include the improvement of low-oxygen storage of Gala and new control opportunities for apple scab and canker.
Delegates will also find out more about an Innovate UK project to develop precision orchard management for the environment and how the industry is contributing towards carbon capture.
In addition, a presentation will be made by the Horticulture Crop Protection Ltd team to explain how grower funds are being used to deliver new and alternative plant protection products for the apple and pear sector.
Register for the event here.
Read more fruit news.