British blueberry season officially kicks off
22nd June 2024
A bumper crop is expected thanks to warmer than average weather in May and excellent pollination, according to one blueberry grower.

As the British blueberry season officially starts, 6,000 tonnes are expected to hit retailer shelves.
Grower Hall Hunter expects to harvest 3,000 tonnes, making up 50% of the total UK output.
The grower expects a bumper crop this year, due to a warmer than average May and excellent pollination.
Hall Hunter has invested in new harvesting machine capable of picking at 600kg/h compared to just 10kg/h by hand.
It’s also invested in a new blueberry grading and packing machine – Elifab – which utilises AI technology to sort through the crop at record speed.
Boosting UK production
The major grower wants to increase British blueberry production – only 6,000 of the 20,000 tonnes of British blueberries sold in the UK are grown here.
Jim Floor, managing director at Hall Hunter Partnership, is confident that demand for British blueberries will continue to grow, however.
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“British blueberries are low on food miles and mighty on flavour – good for the people and for the planet.

“The market for British Blueberries is growing at 30% year on year, so there is plenty of room for further expansion here.
“At Hall Hunter, we want to make British blueberries the berry of choice for consumers during the season from June to September.”
Good for the planet and health
As more and more consumers look to make environmentally conscious choices, British blueberries are the perfect choice to avoid buying into high food miles, Hall Hunter says.
With tonnes of blueberries currently imported from around the world, many of the blueberries on sale have travelled over 6,000 miles from farm to fridge.
And not only are British blueberries better for the environment – they are also great for health.
Amid growing concerns around ultra-processed food, there is a strong movement towards more natural eating.
Blueberries have long been deemed a superfood and with a multitude of antioxidants and vitamins, they are a nutritious addition to any meal, or make for a much healthier snacking alternative.
Read more fruit news.